Irishcoin pool is open for pre registration.
Coin set to launch May 17th, 5PM BST/12PM ET
Name: IrishCoin - Version 0.8.1 BETA
Symbol: IRL
Pre-Mine 4.5 Million IRL (Dedicated To Tourism Industry)
Based on latest Litecoin/Maplecoin 0.8.1 source
Using Scrypt Mining
Block Target: 120 seconds
Difficulty Re-Targets every 4 blocks based on last 90 blocks (Quick Difficulty Readjustment)
Block reward: 100 IRL halving every 320000 blocks (about 18 months)
Total coin mined: 64 million IRL
64 million coins will be mined in approx. first 7 years
Transaction Confirmations Needed: 6
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